‘Sock It To Me’ shines with giving spirit

‘Sock It To Me’ shines with giving spirit

Through its Sock It To Me drive, Eugene Southtowne Rotary donated hundreds of pairs of socks and other undergarments to people in need served by St. Vincent de Paul. A week before Christmas, Ben Mondragon of Eugene Southtowne Rotary arrived at St. Vincent de Paul’s...

SVdP Bombarded by Bombas Socks

St. Vincent de Paul of Lane County (SVdP) received a large quantity of brand new socks from a nonprofit partner, and local nonprofit agencies that serve unhoused populations can benefit from the gift! A load of 79,000 Bombas-brand socks were sent from St. Vincent de...
Many Hands Pack Backpacks

Many Hands Pack Backpacks

A note from St. Vinnie’s Social Service Office: “The faces of the kids when they saw all of the backpacks to choose from was worth all of the hard work. They were so excited and many couldn’t choose between all of the wonderful designs this year. Multiple...