Connections Supportive Housing Programs
Serving Families Since 1993
Mission Statement
The Connections Team supports clients in achieving housing stability through client-centered case management, housing subsidies, and trauma-informed supportive services.
What Is Permanent Supportive Housing?
Permanent supportive housing combines affordable housing assistance with support services to address the needs of chronically homeless individuals and families. These services are designed to build independent living and tenancy skills, and connect people with community-based healthcare, treatment, and employment services.
How Permanent Supportive Housing Can End Chronic Homelessness?
Permanent supportive housing is a cost-effective solution that lowers public costs associated with the use of crisis services such as shelters, hospitals, jails, and prisons.
What Is Rapid Re-Housing?
Rapid Re-housing provides short-term rental assistance and services with goals to assist people in obtaining housing, increase self-sufficiency, and remain housed. It is offered without preconditions (such as employment, income, absence of a criminal record) and services are typically tailored to the needs of the household.
How Rapid Re-Housing Can End Homelessness?
Rapid Re-housing is a primary solution for ending homelessness. It has been effective in helping individuals experiencing homelessness secure permanent housing and maintain residency. By providing a home, individuals are better positioned to address other challenges that may have led to their homelessness.
What does “home” mean to you?
“Home for me is the place where I am safe and secure, where I have a nurturing neighborhood of friends… where I can walk to the services I need, and where my housing cost-burden is 4% of my income!” – Anne Williams
Are you experiencing homelessness and seeking shelter or housing?
Dial 211, enter your 5-digit zip code, Press #1 for housing/shelter/rent assistance, press 1 if you are currently homeless or soon to be homeless or press 2 if you are housed and seeking rent assistance or foreclosure assistance.
Is your housing at risk?
Did you get an eviction notice?
Do you have other housing related needs?
Are you living in your vehicle?
Are you fleeing Domestic violence?
Do you have another need not mentioned above?
Please call 211 or submit a Unite Us request for assistance above under “Enter your Information Online”
St. Vincent de Paul’s First Place Family Center Proudly offers Front Door Assessment services. To schedule, please call St. Vincent de Paul Society of Lane County, Inc. PH: 541-342-7728 | 4060 W. Amazon Drive Eugene, OR 97405
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Contact & Location
St. Vincent de Paul Society of Lane County, Inc.
PH: 451-687-5820 | 2890 Chad Dr., Eugene, OR 97408
Nearby LTD bus lines: 66 and 67
Offices are open 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday.
Support Connections Housing Programs &
Homeless Families
Offices are open 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday.
CONNECTIONS SUPPORTIVE HOUSING programs are always in need of financial support to maintain these valuable services for families.
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