King Estate Winery, SVdP Partners Reach Monetary Goal: $23,000+ for the Egan Warming Center
St. Vincent de Paul and the Egan Warming Center staff are honored to announce that supporters exceeded King Estate Winery’s $10,000 matching gift to St. Vincent de Paul’s Egan Warming Center program! As of Dec. 16th, donations to the Egan Warming Center had surpassed the $10,000 matching goal by more than $3,000. King Estate’s rally of support extended to all nonprofit organizations that work to ensure no one is left outside on a dangerously cold night. Activation status and updates are available at
King Estate’s $10,000 gift to Egan will be used to purchase 200 lightweight, cushiony sleeping mats to replace the worn mats used for the past 11 years. The King family urged the community to step up support for all nonprofits that endeavor to bring unhoused people inside when the weather is potentially deadly.
SVdP’s program honors Maj. Tom Egan who died of exposure on Dec. 18, 2008, prompting a movement that began in Springfield and expanded into Eugene. Some rural communities have also adopted the volunteer-driven Egan model to operate cold-weather shelters.
When activated, as indicated at and through Egan’s digital network, the program provides a snack or meal, and overnight commodations that end at 7:30 a.m., just as SVdP’s Eugene Service Station on Hwy 99N is opening for day services. Volunteers are always needed, and training is required.