Through its Sock It To Me drive, Eugene Southtowne Rotary donated hundreds of pairs of socks and other undergarments to people in need served by St. Vincent de Paul.
A week before Christmas, Ben Mondragon of Eugene Southtowne Rotary arrived at St. Vincent de Paul’s central warehouse in an SUV chock-full of new socks, undergarments, and holiday spirit. SVdP staff then delivered the generous donations — from the Rotary’s annual Sock It To Me drive — to the First Place Family Center and Eugene Service Station. Now, those new garments are helping to ensure a warmer winter and a little-bit brighter holiday season for hundreds of struggling, unhoused individuals and families.
“For many people living on the streets or in poverty, clean underwear and dry socks are a luxury,” said SVdP Executive Director Terry McDonald. “Distributing these items to people in need is a small way to give them some dignity back.”
Eugene Southtowne Rotary members start collecting donations every Thanksgiving to kick off Sock It To Me. Under the leadership of Mondragon, who also serves on the SVdP board of directors, the Rotarians have collected, purchased, and distributed an impressive total of more than 110,000 pairs of socks and underwear in the project’s first 10 years.
On behalf of St. Vincent de Paul, and all of the grateful families helped by our homeless services programs, a heartfelt holiday thank-you goes out to the Eugene Southtowne Rotarians!