Donate Items

Donate Items to Support the Community

Donations from the community help us support people in need and raise funds for our charitable programs. We accept a wide variety of clothing, household items, appliances, electronics and more at our donation centers. Donating is easy as ever with our free donation pick-up service.

Please note: SVdP pays to dispose of items that cannot be reused or recycled, which takes away from our charitable mission. We appreciate the support of our community!

Donation Updates

Mattresses are now accepted ONLY at our recycling facility on 1770 Prairie Road in Eugene during business hours. Learn More

Or at the Lane Waste Transfer Station

See below for our premium mattress pickup service.

We do accept all other types of donations, including appliances, at the discretion of staff at the donation center.


We offer FREE donation pick-up


For mattress pickup, keep scrolling.

We provide free at home donation pick up service for residents in **EUGENE, OR AND SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES** Monday-Friday and weekends by appointment. To get approval for pickup, please call dispatch at (541) 345-0595

In order to have a pickup approved, we will need to know where you are located and we request you give a detailed description of the items which you wish us to pick up. We might additionally request that photos be sent. We apologize for the inconvenience, however we have limited resources to pick up and need to be sure we utilize our drivers, trucks, and fuel to their best use.

Items We Accept

  • Appliances (refrigerators, freezers, ranges, washers, and dryers. No dishwashers)
  • Cars, trucks, RVs or campers (accepted at our Car Lot location)
  • Clean fabric scraps, clothing and textiles
  • Books and magazines
  • Computers and consumer electronics


Free donation pickup

Premium Mattress Pickup


Do you have a mattress or box spring but are unable to bring it to our facility for free recycling? St. Vinnie’s offers a premium pickup service for mattress recycling. The first mattress is $50.00 and $25.00 for every mattress afterwards. If you purchased a mattress from St. Vinnie’s and are having it delivered to your home we can accept the old mattress for $25.00. Call our mattress facility to schedule a pickup: (458)254-5550 

Free donation pickup

Reusable items we accept

Make a clothes donation, get rid of old books, or drop off unused furniture. St. Vincent de Paul is the perfect place to donate unneeded items before or after a move, garage sale, or just because. 

  • All types of recorded media/entertainment: DVD and Blu-ray discs, CDs, vinyl records, VHS tapes, video games, etc.
  • Bedding and linens
  • Books/magazines
  • Cars, trucks, RVs and boats (call 541-607-4541)
  • Clothing, shoes, belts, purses, hats, jewelry
  • Computers and consumer electronics, including working VHS players and gaming consoles
  • Craft, art supplies, pictures and picture frames
  • Dishes/glasses/cutlery, household appliances and electronics
  • Holiday decorations and Halloween costumes
  • Household and office furniture
  • Knick-knacks, baskets, and other decorative items

For questions and clarification about in-kind donations, what we can recycle, and items we do and don’t accept, call 541-687-5820. 

Items we accept for recycling

We can recycle many items that might otherwise be sent to the dump. For more information on pick-up options for appliances, visit our recycling page.

  • Appliances (refrigerators, freezers, ranges, washers, and dryers. No dishwashers)
  • Cars, trucks, RVs or campers (accepted at our Car Lot location)
  • Clean fabric scraps, clothing and textiles
  • Books and magazines
  • Computers and consumer electronics
  • Expanded polystyrene (aka Styrofoam)**

*Appliance donations are accepted at our Seneca, Division and Main Street locations as well as the SVdP Car Lot on HWY 99 in Eugene.

**Contact us for information on Styrofoam recycling for businesses. 

Items we DO NOT accept

  • Mattresses (learn more about our mattress recycling efforts HERE)
  • Household chemicals of any kind
  • Fluorescent bulbs or ballasts
  • Propane tanks or fire extinguishers
  • Used or burnt candles
  • Infant furniture, car seats, strollers, etc.
  • Used building materials or plumbing fixtures
    Please note: Donations will be accepted at the discretion of staff at the donation center. SVdP pays to dispose of items that cannot be reused or recycled, which takes away from our charitable mission – so we reserve the right to decline items which do not fit our donation guidelines.

Have questions about a donation?

For clarification or questions about making a clothes donation, dropping off furniture, or recycling items, please call 541-687-5820. We thank the community for funding life-stabilizing programs to support our neighbors in need.

Thank you for choosing St. Vinnie’s.