Volunteer Opportunities
SVdP has many volunteer opportunities, ranging from serving meals and helping in the stores to supporting our teaching staff at First Place Family Center our emergency winter shelters. The best way to get started is by filling out a new volunteer application! Scroll down to find the right application for you or your group.

What’s It Like to Volunteer At SVdP?
SVdP hosts a variety of programs to support families and individuals in need in our community. Some of our volunteer opportunities include:
- Supporting guests overnight at an Egan Warming Center
- Sorting book donations for stores or online sales
- Greeting customers at retail locations and sorting clothing.
We thank our volunteers in advance for their interest and willingness to share their time and talents with us.
For more information about volunteering with SVdP programs, email volunteer@svdp.us, or call 458-264-1865
Group Volunteering
Looking to do good and have some fun? SVdP is looking for groups to volunteer across our service sites! We would be thrilled to connect you and your group to volunteer tasks that support people in need in YOUR community.
First Place Family Center and Night Shelter Annex is in need of volunteers, specifically in our kitchen and providing meals.
If you are part of or know a group interested in volunteering with SVdP, fill out this form:

Volunteer at Egan Warming Centers
With help from local government, public safety, faith communities and many community partners, Egan Warming Centers’ volunteers provide meals and a safe place to sleep on dangerously cold nights. Warming center sites are available to anyone in the community.
St. Vincent de Paul is honored to serve as the lead agency for the Egan Warming Centers, but who make this program possible are our amazing volunteers.

Volunteer Opportunities at First Place Family Center (FPFC) Sites
At FPFC sites, families can get a meal, access daycare services, and receive help transitioning into stable housing. Volunteer opportunities at FPFC sites include:
- Aiding our teaching staff during classroom hours
- Attending to preschool aged children
- Participating in various child-centric activities like crafts, cooking, gardening, etc.
- Answering phones at front desk
- Sorting donated items and organizing storage spaces
- Preparing meals for families
- Providing enrichment activities for youth

Become a Member of the SVDP Volunteer Housing Advisory Committee
The Housing Advisory Committee is a voluntary group, acting (in a limited capacity) as an extension of the Board of Directors for St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) of Lane County, Inc. Together with other committee members, the committee provides review and oversight for management of existing housing stock and review and recommendations regarding new Housing projects.
Resolutions/actions recommended by the Committee are communicated to the Board of Directors. (The Board of Directors is responsible for all official decisions/actions.)
St. Vincent de Paul Society of Lane County, Inc. certifies and agrees that the organization and its programs, partnerships or affiliates shall not discriminate in soliciting volunteers or treat unequally any volunteer because of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, sex, disability, age, marital status, veteran status, or genetic information; and the organization and its programs, partnerships or affiliates will comply with all federal, state and local anti-discrimination laws.

St. Vincent de Paul is Lane County’s largest nonprofit human services organization. Founded in 1953 and incorporated in 1955, the Agency helps more than 35,000 individuals and families each year with emergency and homeless services, and affordable housing. St. Vincent de Paul is committed to providing comprehensive programs to alleviate poverty and help all individuals find a path out of poverty and into self-sufficiency.