Thanks to everyone who entered the Online Halloween Photo Contest! Check out this year’s winners and everyone else who entered.
Here’s our first place winner: the leprechaun! St. Vinnie’s shopper Nonda shared the
story of her son’s costume: “For the past two years my 8-year-old son has been saying
he wanted to be a Leprechaun for Halloween, I knew Seneca was the place to go! I was
able to find every piece I needed there, including a few items from the children’s
department and some crafty sequins in the housewares area. I made the vest from an
old graduation gown, and the pants from some baseball pants. He absolutely loves it!
Thank you for making my kid a happy trick or treater.”
Second place went to Kara, AKA Professor Arachnia. Kara’s best friend combined two
dresses from the Seneca store to make her costume. “I’ve worn her for several years.
She’s my favorite alter ego,” she says.
Alissa found pants, overalls, wigs, fabric, stuffing and more at the Division store. The
result: a whole cast of Super Mario Brothers characters. “I built them all from scratch,”
she says. “Lots of sewing and lots of hot glue!”
Here are Veronica and her husband as a pirate captain and his parrot. Veronica says:
“I purchased fabric from your store and boas to create my parrot costume and mask.
Parts of my husband’s costume also came from the stores and I put my own personal
touches to it.”
Catherine works at the West 11th store, which is where she picked up this awesome
trench coat for her zombie costume.
Pat used resources from several St. Vinnie’s store to make costumes for herself and
Sunshine’s Barbie Doll. “The only new things are the buckle shoes, the broom and the
hat. The dress was made out of two sets of curtains from the Division store. The
purple and black neck piece came from a chiffon cape in the halloween department.
The spider came from the Seneca store along with the purple and black leopard print
material for the neck piece and the apprentices sash.”
6-year-old Santiago as Beetlejuice! Mom Victoria says: “I purchased a wig, adult referee shirt,
and pirate pants from your store to cut up and sew into a suit for him.”
Gwyneth dressed up as a Zombie Prom Queen for Halloween this year. “I bought and
ripped up the dress from the St. Vincent de Paul store on Seneca. I wore a tiara and
a sash made from a pillow case,” she says.
13-year-old Gracie went as the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland this year.
Mom Veronica purchased a gown from St. Vinnie’s, cut it down to size, and added
her own embellishments to create the costume.