Grand openings of VHP houses called upon the services of VFW Post 3965 and their comrades. We could not reassemble this particular group today, but their service to country and to VHP will always be in our hearts.
St. Vincent de Paul casts a wide net of services to rein in and house veterans and their families. Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) can sustain a family pending better opportunities.
That’s how it worked for Arthur, a single father of three who brought his family to Eugene last January. They lost their rental to fire in April 2019 and had lived in an RV until the move.
Arthur wanted more for the kids, especially in education and sports. He had been in touch with SSVF regarding his housing options when the Coronavirus pandemic hit.
Arthur was quickly qualified for emergency housing assistance. He and the kids spent two and a half months in a hotel, happy for shelter, hoping for housing.
Meanwhile, the SSVF wheels were turning. Arthur’s case manager recognized his potential for success in the Veterans Housing Project and referred him to the program. As a result, Arthur and the kids have begun their two-year stint in a beautifully refurbished house, and Arthur is receiving guidance from his VHP case manager, along with counseling, financial education, and a support network. He has been tasked with establishing “reasonable housing goals” for his eventual exit from VHP.
“I’m very glad we were able to provide a safe and comfortable home for Arthur and his three kids,” said Christy Koch, Arthur’s VHP case manager. “Together, we will be working on goals that promote long-term stability and success.
“We are happy to have them as part of our VHP family!”