
Soaring with an Eagle in the making.

Just in time for the 2020 planting season, the folks at Saginaw Mobile Home Park received the components of an easy-access community garden. The mid-summer surprise was initiated by Eagle Scout candidate Braiden Miller who solicited donations and enlisted his fellow bemasked members of Boy Scout Troop 100 to complete the project.

Along with eight sturdy raised beds – four of them wheelchair accessible — came tools, soil, plants, and fertilizer. The gift prompted one observer to exclaim, “This kid knocked it out of the park!”


Wheelchair-accessible beds in the foreground, standard beds beyond.

And a home run for Saginaw Mobile Home Park, too.

St. Vinnie’s extends its admiration and appreciation to Braiden and Troop 100, along with project donors Lowe’s, C & E Rentals, Rexius, and Skip Tracer & Lads. We dig you, too!


Drier weather and the sweet smell of success. Or is it basil?


And a fruit tree, too!


From a Scout’s good deed, a community’s abundance.