Supportive Housing Programs
We’re Here to Help
St. Vincent de Paul’s supportive housing programs provide individualized support and advocacy, short-term rental and utility assistance, deposit assistance, and referrals to qualifying participants, including robust Veteran Services.
Veteran Families (SSVF)
Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) connects Veterans experiencing homelessness with the resources they need to become or remain permanently housed.
VetLIFT provides 18 units of permanent affordable housing and wrap-around, client-centered case management for chronically homeless Veterans with disabilities.
Veterans Housing Project
The Veterans Housing Project (VHP) provides safe and affordable housing to help military veterans transition easily back into the community upon returning from deployment.
Connections Rapid Rehousing
Connections Rapid Rehousing helps families experiencing homelessness transition to stability. The program lasts up to two years and provides comprehensive case management.
LIFT Permanent Supported Housing
LIFT (Living Independently Following Treatment) helps provide permanent housing to individuals who are recovering from co-occurring mental illnesses and drug and alcohol addictions.