A history of service
For more than 70 years, St. Vincent de Paul has been a community resource for Lane County. Being able to pivot quickly to support neighbors in need has been one of our greatest skills — and one always supported by generous donors and community partnerships. Whether it’s our extensive and robust homeless outreach programs or creating an entirely new recycling industry to meet the environmental needs of our planet, SVdP has always sought to establish itself as an innovator among nonprofits in the community.
Terry’s legacy
For more than 50 years, Terry McDonald has been a community servant through SVdP of Lane County. Since taking over the executive director seat from his father, H.C. “Mac” McDonald, in 1984, Terry has grown SVdP into Lane County’s largest human-services nonprofit as well as the most expansive SVdP affiliate in the United States. Through creativity, ingenuity, and sheer willingness, Terry has seen the organization through some of the hardest social issues facing our most vulnerable neighbors.
Tomorrow’s Problems
Now, through the McDonald Community Vision (MCV) Fund, we hope to continue Terry’s legacy of service for years to come! The MCV Fund will provide firm financial footing for SVdP to be a catalyst for community good during increasingly unpredictable and turbulent times.
There are a number of ways you can support the MCV Fund. By attending our upcoming event “An Evening to Envision” on October 12, your ticket purchase will directly support the fund. You can also make a direct donation to the fund in place of a ticket.
We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but we can be ready to pivot and meet the community’s needs with your support of the MCV Fund and other SVdP programs.
On behalf of SVdP and our neighbors, we thank you.