As the COVID-19 emergency filtered into Lane County, the staff of St. Vincent de Paul’s First Place programs flew into action, relocating 19 families — 70 souls on average — to the First Place Annex. The Annex accommodates sheltering in place, distance learning, and the basic services necessary for unhoused families to move forward. Meanwhile, four families are parked in the First Place lot and allowed entry to the facility one family at a time.

This video portrays one mom’s perspective on First Place programs and services.

Services at FPFC

St. Vincent de Paul’s First Place Family Center offers a warm, inviting space where families can access free drop-in childcare through First Place Kids, showers, free laundry, food support, and other supportive services during day time hours. Our staff-led resources include:

  • Community information and referrals, including Front Door Assessments to local and agency Supportive Housing Programs
  • Internet and phone access
  • Mailing address
  • Clothing vouchers, on-site clothing and hygiene supplies
  • Assistance obtaining identification documents.

FPFC proudly offers Front Door Assessment services. To schedule, please call (541) 342-7728.

Housed within FPFC, First Place Kids operates a high-quality, trauma-informed therapeutic child care center for children ages 0-5 with low entry barriers compared to mainstream programs. To access this program, families must register through FPFC.

Eligible families may also access the Night Shelter Annex which offers overnight accommodations, meals, and case management services to support families into self-sufficiency.